Star Trails Compendium Page 3
Territorial General (TG): Head of a territory with some level of authority over its 24 regions.
Territories: Geographic divisions on Cyraria that divide it into 6 sectors.
Time Adjustment Station (TAS): Outposts in space that adjust the time for space travelers which gets distorted due to travel near the speed of light. The Theory of Relativity explains how when something is moving close to the speed of light that time goes more slowly. For example, 10 days on a spacecraft could pass while 100 years passes on a planet. To assure that travelers arrive in the same timeframe, the TAS uses gravity waves to place them in the proper time.
Timebump: Being sent forward or backward in time by a spacecraft malfunction or encounter with a strong gravity field.
Time Dilation: The principle included in Einstein's theory of relativity that time passes slower for objects moving near the speed of light.
Time Dilation Modulator (TDM): Spacecraft component to adjust for differences in time. If the TDM’s operate properly there is no need for a TAS.
Trajectory: The path of a moving object such as a thrown ball.
Transcription Errors: Failure of a person’s body to come together properly after being dissolved by a transporter beam or traveling near the speed of light.
Transcrypters: A device used to communicate secretly. Voices are scrambled or encrypted as one person speaks then translated back for the other person to understand but anyone listening would only hear garbled noise.
Transponder: An electronic device that sends a signal, often from a vehicle, so that others can tell where it is.
Triumvirate: An organization ruled by three separate groups.
‘Troid: Common term for an electroid or robot.
Tsesepia: Fictitious planet with a toxic atmosphere used for insecticide.
Turbidity: The amount of particles or sediment in air or water. Relates to the amount of dust in the Cyrarian atmosphere from its dry surface.
Tysa: Fictitious holographic game the object of which is to assemble a variety of different shapes into a single block or shape.
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Undissipated Charge Differential: Electric charge buildup that can result in an electrical shock.
Universal Time: The prevailing time vector on a specific inertial reference frame.
Uttara Bhadra: In Vedic tradition, a section of the sky known as a lunar mansion and ruled by Ahir Budhyana, ruler of water and darkness. It represents trouble that is finally solved.
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Vacushield or Vacshield: Transparent barrier or window in a spacecraft protecting it from the vacuum of space.
Vapora: Fictitious pools of hydrocarbons deposited in the atmosphere by a comet. When they combine with oxygen they become a fire storm.
V-disk: Vector disk used on spacecraft to provide lift and direction.
Vegemal: A creature that combines characteristics of both a plant and an animal. Some have high intelligence, such as Thyron.
Veke: Common term for "vacuum certified vehicle" or VCV. Disk-shaped craft similar to the typical shape of a UFO which can travel on or off a planet, but with limited range. For example, one could be used to travel to a planet’s moon but not another planet.
Verdaris: Planet in the Algonian system used primarily for growing food. The system has several comets which hit the planet often making it too dangerous for permanent settlements.
Veridical Dream: A prophetic dream that provides insights and truth that are critical to the receiver's life path.
Videra: An Erubesite’s visual sensor or eye that represents their most prominent feature. Multiple, horizontal eyelids adjust according to incoming light intensity, protecting it in harsh environments while still allowing for a moderate amount of night vision.
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Warp Gully or Warp Run: Naturally occurring route through space that contracts space and expands time due to gravity from various nearby stars or blackholes.
Warp Harmonics: Spacecraft system designed to fold space gravitationally and virtually shrink distances. Each harmonic level is an order of magnitude or ten times stronger than the one before it.
Wiitiins: Fictitious creatures native to Cyraria which live in hot springs. Similar in size, taste and texture to shrimp.
Wormhole: A tunnel between parts of space that greatly shortens the distance through relativistic effects.
Wrist Wrings: Similar to handcuffs but with the ability to temporarily numb the prisoner’s hands and arms so they can’t use them.
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Yraglian Lizard: Colorful hooded Cyrarian lizard that defends itself by emitting a cloud of gas with an odor that can knock out its prey or enemies.
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Zinaanians: This species hails from a starsystem in the constellation known on Earth as Scorpio but is invisible due to the high nebulosity surrounding it. Its natives are highly intelligent with facial features which in some respects resemble a dinosaur. They walk upright on somewhat short but powerful legs, have broad, bull-like shoulders with relatively short but well-muscled arms, hands with three fingers of unequal length and scaled skin which is bronze-colored. Their head is broader at the top with spherical eyes of a reddish hue on either side which rotate independently and thus can attain a three-hundred-sixty degree view while their body remains still. Other facial features include angular, protruding cheeks separated by a thin, bony nose and a relatively wide lipless mouth above a powerful, pointed jaw.
Zodiac: A system of star patterns or constellations which surround a star-system and can be used to mark time based on the view from the planet and where its sun or suns happen to be. Similar to Earth, the Cyrarian zodiac has 12 signs including the Conquerer, Sower, Scholar, Judge, Rock, Destroyer, Healer, Reaper, Accuser, Psychic/Seer, River and Builder. Each has a meaning related to its name which astrologers interpret and predict future events.
Zones: Scheduling system that determines what time something should occur such as waking up, eating, attending school or work, going to sleep, etc.
Zygodactyl: Having two toes or fingers facing forward and one back such as found in certain birds or Erebusites.
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Starsystem Class: Binary
Location from Earth: Constellation Scorpio, Xi A & B
Class: F5-IV subgiants
Average Separation: 18 AU (2.6928 x 10^12 meters) (Similar to distance between Uranus and Earth's Sun)
3rd Component: dG7 Orange dwarf, magnitude 7.2, slow retrograde orbit with period of 1000 years
Absolute Magnitude: 2.9 (~5x Earth's Sun)
Surface Temperature: 6800K
Mass: 2.88x10^30 kg
Luminosity: 1.95x10^34 erg sec-1
Radius: 1.131x10^6 km
Absolute Magnitude 3.1
Surface Temperature: 6500K
Mass: 2.66x10^30 kg
Luminosity: 1.87x10^34 erg sec-1
Radius: 1.213x10^6 km
Planetary Surface Temperature Range: -53 degrees C/-64 degrees F to 101 degrees C/214 degrees F
Radius: 6.5x10^6 m
Mass: 6.8x10^24 kg
Rotational Period: 26 hours
Axial Inclination: 87 degrees
Gravitational Acceleration: 10.735 meters sec^-2
Distance to Zeta:
2.692x10^8 km aphelion
1.904x10^8 km perihelion
Semi-major axis: 2.02x10^8 km
Eccentricity: .333
Period: 6880 days
Angular Size from Cyraria:
.48 degrees Perihelion
.12 degrees Aphelion
Distance to Zinni:
2.65x10^8 aphelion
1.889x10^8 perihelion
Semi-major axis (Zinni): 1.98x10^8 km
Eccentricity: .326
Period: 7120 days
Angular Size from Cyraria:
.51 degrees Perihelion
.13 degrees Aphelion
Orbital Characteristics
Double ellipse (lemniscate)
Entire Circuit: ~14,000 days
Seasons: 16
Temperature Range: -53C/-64F to 101C/214F
Contiguous Length of Opposition: 778 days (Seasons 12 & 13)
Length of Winter: 3058 days
Galactic Standard Year: 400 days
Planetary Satellites: 1 (Nifeir)
Orbital Period: 36 days
Radius: 2144.7 km
Average distance from Cyraria: 1.46x10^5 km
Composition: Nickel (Ni), Iron (Fe), Iridium (Ir)
Atmosphere: Null
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The climate on Cyraria is one of dramatic extremes, from as cold as -60 degrees Celsius (C)/-76 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to 106 degrees C/222 degrees F. While the lemniscadian orbit is partly to blame, the 87 degrees inclination of the planet's axis is a major factor. Earth is only 23 degrees from the vertical yet this accounts for the seasons as one hemisphere then the other leans toward the Sun. This changes the Sun's declination (height in the sky), making its rays hotter the higher it gets, as well as defining the length of the ecliptic (path across the sky) which determines the number of hours of daylight.
Cyraria, however, is tipped on its side and is thus closer to being horizontal than vertical. Thus there are times when its northern hemisphere is facing either Zeta or Zinni constantly while the southern is in complete darkness and vice versa. Sigma3/Epsilon is at 45 degrees North Latitude so is halfway between the planets north pole and equator. This tempers its seasons slightly versus what it is at extreme locations but still results in dramatic and lethal differences.
The length of the seasons differ dramatically as well. This is due to the nature of elliptical orbits. According to Kepler's 3rd Law of Planetary Motion, a planet will sweep out "equal area in equal time." The illustration at the top of this section is not to scale but you can get the idea that when the planet is between Zeta and Zinni in its Opposition period the area shown is relatively small compared to that at the opposite ends, such as its Ecli-noctial periods. Thus, the planet actually moves faster in its orbit during the smaller sectors than the larger ones. This is fortunate considering that Opposition temperatures are extremely high. Furthermore, when the planet is between the two stars it undergoes tremendous gravitational forces in opposite directions which could tear it apart. At the least it will experience groundquakes and various other disturbances during this relatively short but precarious time which has a duration of over two Earth years.
A lemniscadian orbit is unstable and highly unlikely to occur. The theory behind it is that the third component of the star system, a dG7 orange dwarf star with an orbital period of a thousand years, nudged it into that configuration. It's possible the next pass could pull it back to a simple ellipse around both stars, depending on the planet's location at the next transit.
Temperature extremes between the north and south hemispheres contribute to severe weather such as pressure vortices (PVs), or tornados as they're known on Earth. When cold air and hot air mix the convection forces can form a funnel as the hot air rises and cold air drops. The temperatures would be even more extreme if it weren't for the thick atmosphere which contains a significant amount of dust. During the PV season more dust is stirred up which actually helps opposition temperatures from being even higher.
1. Equi-noctial A: GROWING SEASON. Temperature Range: 17 – 31C/63-88F (1528 Days) Zeta and Zinni are in conjunction. Zeta predominates by distance and thus completely occludes Zinni. It is cooler in Sigma/Epsilon because of its latitude with Zeta rising and setting with light and darkness equal but Zeta skims the horizon as the season begins. As it progresses, Zeta rises higher, increasing the heat. Halfway into this season Zeta has risen halfway up the sky but day and night remain equal. While this season is long enough for numerous crops to be grown at these temperatures, until irrigation systems are developed there are still numerous challenges.
2. Z-Separation: WAXING HEAT SEASON. Temperature Range: 27 – 47C/ 81-117F (765 Days) During this season Zeta and Zinni begin to separate in the sky, i.e. Zinni gradually becomes visible, which explains the season's name. However, it is small at this stage because it is very far away, i.e. approximately six times as far as the orbit of Pluto. It will appear as a bright star or similar to Venus at maximum elongation. By the end of this season Zeta will be high in the sky but not directly overhead at Sigma's latitude, providing strong light and heat, warming things up quickly. The days continue to lengthen until Zeta is in the sky constantly, sweeping a huge circle in the sky. From this point there will be constant daylight for the equivalent of several Earth years.
3. Summer: HOT. Temperature 47 – 65C/ 117-149F (765 Days) Zeta remains in a circumpolar orbit such that it never sets which means the surface never cools. Furthermore, Cyraria is approaching it's closest proximity to Zeta which drives the heat up even more. Zinni visibly rises and sets as it grows larger and more noticeable as opposed to an extremely bright star.
4. Opposition: WAY TOO HOT. Temperature 65 - 80C/ 149 - 176F (382 Days) Zeta's path across the sky is a tilted ellipse which will eventually set for brief periods but by this time Zinni is about the same distance away and rises at the time. Certain parts of the day both are in the sky, driving surface heat into and even more lethal range. Groundquake season begins due to the pull of opposing gravity from Zeta and Zinni.
5. Down* Opposition: EXTREME DROP FROM HOT TO COLD. Temperature 2 - 80C/ 36 - 176F (396 Days) As this season begins Cyraria is directly between Zeta and Zinni where the lemniscate crosses. Both rise and set, one after the other, so that one is always in the sky. Sigma/Epsilon is spared the worst of this period due to its high latitude so that neither sun is directly overhead. Both are at approximately 45 degrees. The continual light, however, doesn’t allow the surface to cool so it remains hot during this time. However, the transition to cooler weather comes quickly as the planet progresses into the portion of its orbit around Zinni. This sudden drop begins another Pressure Vortex or PV season due to temperature extremes. Groundquakes are less frequent. Zeta and Zinni continue to drop in the sky, one rising as the other sets, until each only scrapes the horizon, their light casting long shadows. (*Down refers to start of Zinni orbit.)
6. Grey Winter: TOO COLD. Temperature 2C to -42C/36 to -43F (791 Days) Zeta has shrunk to the size of brilliant star its heat negligible and Zinni is now entirely below the horizon.
7. Dark Winter: EXTREME COLD Temperature -42C to -50C/ -43F to -58F (791 Days) Zeta reaches 10 degrees above the southwest horizon so Sigma/Epsilon is in low light when it is above the horizon. Zinni is below the horizon. Temperature differential between the North and South hemispheres is substantial and results in PV’s along equatorial regions. This violent mix of hot and cold air as well as the atmosphere keep it from getting even colder.
8. Old Winter: COLD. Temperature 15C to -50C/59F to -58F (1582 Days) Zeta is to far away to give much light or heat. It is still cold, but begins to warm up again. Zinni gradually begins to rise again, skirting the horizon at first and gradually reaching high in the sky. Temperature variations between the North and South hemispheres continue to generate PV’s along the equatorial band but they are less severe as the planet gradually moves toward equal temperatures in both hemispheres.
9. Equinoctial B: GROWING SEASON. Temperature 15 – 30C/ 59-86F (1582 Days) Equal day and night returns. Zinni is visible but eclipsing Zeta for the first part of the season, then gradually separates with both rising and setting at approximately the same time.
10. Spring Down: HOT. Tempe
rature 30C - 38C/86F - 100F (791 Days) Zinni is overhead and never sets in a lopsided circumpolar orbit that ranges from the horizon to zenith. Zeta is visible as it rises then sets but still far away. It is gradually warming up but once again PVs due to the temperature difference between the hemispheres are adding dust to the atmosphere, deflecting some of the heat.
11. Ante Opps: HOTTER. Temperature 38C - 50C/100F - 122F (791 Days) Zinni is in a 45 degree circumpolar orbit. Zeta rises in the northwest, its heat apparent as it adds to Zinni, and is high in the sky at “noon.” The weather is warming up very fast.
12. High Opps: WAY TOO HOT. Temperature 50C - 106C/122F - 222F (396 Days) As High Opps begins, Zinni is circumpolar from the horizon to the zenith. Zeta rises in the northwest and reaches a high declination. At times both are visible in the sky in opposite directions. Temperatures rise rapidly in the Northern hemisphere and they continue to cool in the Southern, generating violent PVs. Groundquakes resume. This is the hottest season of the circuit for Sigma/Epsilon. [NOTE:--This is when the Brightstars arrived.]
13. Up* Opps: TOO HOT TO COLD. Temperature 7C - 101C/45F - 214F (382 Days) Zinni and Zeta chase each other across the sky, one or the other visible at all times. They begin this season directly overhead, but their declination gradually drops, each barely peeking over opposite horizons. This is a similar position to Down Opps (5). (*Up refers to leaving the space between Zeta and Zinni to head into orbit around Zeta.) [NOTE:--This is the season when Creena arrived.]
14. Dead Drop Winter: TOO COLD. Temperature 7C to -46C/45 to -51F (765 Days) Neither Zinni nor Zeta rise but Zinni provides a hint of dusk a few hours each day. Once both drop below the horizon it cools quickly. The transition from Up Opps offers a short growing season with mild temperatures.
15. Black Winter: WAY TOO COLD. Temperature -46C to -60C/-51F to -76F (765 Days) Zeta is still invisible while Zinni rises a few degrees above the horizon but is too far away to provide much light and heat.
16. Spring Up: PREPARE FOR GROWING SEASON. Temperature -60C to 17C/-76F to 63F (1528 Days) As the season begins, Zeta is just below the horizon which provides a constant state of dusk. Zinni is rising and setting halfway up the sky but is too far away to provide much warmth. As this season ends, Zeta and Zinni are conjoined again with equal day and night. Zeta is strong enough to warm the planet sufficiently for another growing season.