Star Trails Compendium Read online

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  Graviton: Tiny theoretical particle presumed to convey the force of gravity.

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  Heat Exchanger: Basic component of an air conditioner which uses a liquid to remove heat from the air. A fluid absorbs the heat until it evaporates, then the steam is taken to another area where it is cooled and condenses back to a liquid, releasing the heat. Then it starts the cycle over again.

  Heatlock: An enclosed area at the entrance to a building that keeps extreme heat or cold weather outside from coming in.

  Holocube: A data storage device based on holographic layers visible at different angles. Its function is similar to Earth's ebook reading devices.

  Holodendril: Fictitious tree on Verdaris with round, crystal-like leaves that reflect light and make a sound like wind chimes.

  Holographix: Fictitious patterns and sounds specifically designed to relieve stress and keep a person calm. In private areas they are coded for the individual.

  Holoprism: A fictitious device similar in appearance to a crystal which contains thousands of pages controlled by a small wheel on the side.

  Holoviewer: Similar to a television except it projects the image into space in 3D.

  Hostii Intergalactic Organization (HIO): Fictitious galactic organization whose primary purpose is to maintain peace between the various star-systems.

  Hoverisms: Fictitious anti-gravity component used in various ground and space vehicles.

  Humanoid: Creature shaped approximately like a human that has two legs, two arms, a single head and walks upright. Intelligence level varies as well as communication ability.

  Hyperbolic Orbit: An orbit that isn’t closed like those of the Moon, Sun or Earth. Used for a gravitational assist where a spacecraft uses the gravity of a planet or other space object to give it more speed and change direction.

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  Ideology: A belief system usually associated with a specific group.

  Inclination: Measurement usually in degrees above the horizon of a star, planet, spacecraft, spacestation, etc.

  Infirmary: A place to care for those who are sick or injured but usually lacking less equipment than a hospital.

  Interdimensional Excursion: Fictitious term for slipping from one dimension into another, typically through the effects of gravity or relativity.

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  Jendaks: A marginally intelligent species shorter than most humans at about a meter and a half tall with purple skin, a rotund body and thin, rodent-like tail. Their face is somewhat flat accented by articulating pointed ears. They do well with simple, repetitive tasks that humans find boring such as assembly work. Many have strong intuitive and psychic abilities as well as excellent mechanical dexterity. Their hands similar to humans with an opposing thumb.

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  Karma: The concept that how you act toward others will eventually come back to you. If you treat others nicely, they will treat you nicely but if you’re mean, eventually someone will do the same thing to you.

  Keesha: Small animal similar to a rabbit sometimes used for food or fur.

  Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion: Three fundamental physical laws identified by Johann Kepler in the end of the 16th century that describe the motion of any heavenly body orbiting another. The 1st law states that the orbits of planets are elliptical, not circular as originally believed, with the Sun or central body at one of the foci of the ellipse. (See "ellipse.") The second law was that an orbiting body will sweep out equal areas in equal time. What this means is if you were to measure the area between the Earth and the Sun for a specific time period, it will always be the same. The implications of this law are that a planet does not always move at the same velocity but moves faster when closer to the Sun than when it's farther away. Thus, for Cyraria, it would move through the area between the two stars faster than when it's on the far side of one or the other. The third law states that the period of time a planet takes to orbit the Sun is proportional to the distance from it, linking the two together. The implications of this law are that it doesn't matter what the mass is of an object in orbit. It depends only on the mass of the central body, such as the Sun, and the satellite's distance, meaning that a small satellite or the Moon would move at the same rate if in the same orbit.

  Kolkhoz: Self-sustaining communal farm.

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  Lasocular: Fictitious term for laser-directed nuclear energy typically used in weapons.

  Lasomag: Fictitious high-powered laser weapon that has an electro-magnetic power source.

  The Laws: Common term for the laws on Mira III which directed all aspects of life.

  Learning Curve: The time it takes to fully understand a given skill or concept.

  Ledorian Order: A religious order based on Esheron that believes in an intelligent creator and the need to maintain positive energy in the Universe to keep it from collapsing.

  Lemitini: Herbal substance similar to chocolate with strong healing powers and extremely pleasant flavor.

  Lemniscate: A shape like a figure eight. (See "ellipse.")

  Local Time: The prevailing time vector on a specific inertial reference frame.

  Logarithm: Mathematical term for organizing numbers based on how many times it is multiplied by itself (exponent). For example, logarithms based on 10 would include 10, 100, 1000, etc. while a logarithm based on 2 would be 2, 4, 16, etc.

  Luma: Fictitious plant natural to Cyraria which has phosphorescent properties, in other words it glows in the dark and can provide lighting.

  Luminal Velocities: The speed of light.

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  Magnavon: Single passenger vehicle similar to a motorcycle but without wheels so it uses magnetic levitation to lift it from the surface.

  Magnetic Resonance Device (MRD): Equipment used to scan the interior of an object using the interaction of magnetic fields. Similar to Magnetic Resonance Imagine or MRI used in Earth medical applications.

  Magnetometer: Instrument that measures the strength of magnetic fields.

  Martial Law: Rule enforced by military action.

  Mediveke: Veke used as a combination ambulance and treatment suite. (See veke)

  ‘Merama : Common term for chimera madre which is the Mira III term for mother or mom.

  ‘Merapa: Common term for chimera padre which is the Mira III term for father or dad.

  Mindprint: A person’s unique signature based on their brain’s psi waves which are different from everyone else’s and more specific than their encephalographic signature which is based on electro-magnetic waves.

  Mira III: Fictitious planet in the Mira system which is always foggy, blocking any view of the sun or stars. Its advanced technologies provide various comforts as well as a high level of control by the government which restricts personal freedoms.

  MRD: See Magnetic Resonance Device.

  Mula: In Vedic tradition, a part of the sky known as a lunar mansion which represents a soul’s mission to escape the cycle of life and death. It is ruled by the deity, Nittriti, goddess of death and destruction. Mula brings pain which changes a person as they let go of material things and seeks for spiritual knowledge.

  Mutogueronian: Sign language developed on Esheron to avoid being heard by audio surveillance devices.

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  Nanobots: Microscopic robots incorporated into everything from fabric to human beings and programmed to perform a specific task, some good to provide comfort and others to induce pain and suffering or some other unpleasant function.

  Nanosensors: Microscopic sensors incorporated into fabric and furniture to sense a person's tension level and then provide an appropriate level of comfort.

  Naterra: Galactic term for a person’s planet of birth.

  Navilator: Spacecraft navigation device which con
tains information about stars, gravity, interstellar storms and so forth.

  Negative Energy Spikes: Energy related to or generated by antimatter.

  Nifeir: Cyraria’s single moon named for its high content of the minerals nickel, iron and iridium.

  Noncompliance Report (NCR): Notices issued to students in the Mira III educational system when they break any of the rules, including asking too many questions as well as getting an answer wrong. Offenders were listed on an electronic board to further embarrass those who couldn’t follow the rules.

  Norfed: Confused.

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  Ocular Refractors: Electronic binoculars.

  Oppsuit: Similar to a spacesuit but designed to keep a person at a comfortable temperature during Cyraria’s extreme weather, both hot and cold.

  Orbital Dynamics: Movement of an object in orbit including its speed and the size of the orbit around a central point such as a planet or star. Also see "Kepler's Laws."

  Orbital Mechanics: Mathematical methods used for calculating orbits based on such factors as the mass of both bodies and radial distance. Can be used to predict location at any given time once the cycle parameters are known.

  Orthostatic Intolerance: The inability to stand up. Astronauts exercise regularly while in zero gravity for extended missions to prevent this condition. Without the need to bear weight in a gravity field the bones and muscles weaken and atrophe.

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  PEPIR: See Piloting Extrapolation Projection of Input Results.

  Perihelion: The bottom of an elliptical orbit or its point closest to the object it's orbiting.

  Phase Change: When a substances changes from a solid, liquid or gas to one of the other states or phases. Energy is used or released between stages which can be used in such systems as heat exchangers.

  Photoreceptors: Visual sensors on an electroid.

  Photosynthesis: The process by which a plant generates energy using light.

  Phynques: A carnivorous species of flauna similar to cactus that moves about on hundreds of feet-like roots so it can find food such as insects or other plants.

  Physical Assistance and Remediation (PAR): Similar to a doctor’s office on Earth but with higher technology, including the ability to treat patients who are not present.

  Piloting Extrapolation Projection of Input Results (PEPIR): Computer simulation to determine results of directions given to a spacecraft.

  Planetary Law Enforcement Database (PLED): Fictitious computer database where Cyrarian residents’ records including school grades or breaking the law are kept.

  Pneumatoplasmic: Fictitious term for the properties of dark matter.

  Portalume: Device similar in function to a flashlight.

  Pressure Vortex (PV): Strongly circulating air such as in a tornado. On Cyraria, massive storms which occur when one part of the planet is much colder than another creating convection currents that become twisted by the planet’s rotation and result in dangerous tornados much larger than those on Earth.

  Promises: Vows taken during Ledorian ceremonies.

  Protoplasm: The most basic form of living matter for both plants and animals.

  Psaid: Term used when communicating using psi. Similar to the word “said” for when a person talks in the usual way.

  Psetora: Fictitious insectoid similar in appearance to a cockroach. They communicate telepathically which allows them to hunt their prey as a group. Their antennae flash orange when all have focused on the same target and are ready to strike.

  Psi: The consciousness level of brainwaves which travels faster than light and is how telepathy and other psychic abilities operate.

  Psi Link: Telepathic connection between two people communicating using psi waves.

  Pubescent Crawler (p-crawler): Creeping plant native to Cyraria that has small, delicate leaves filled with sap which give it insulation properties. However, if broken open, the sap has a very offensive odor.

  Pyxisites: Another humanoid species with limited intellect which they compensate for by being sneaky and untrustworthy. Their skin is dark with a greenish cast like tarnished copper, their eyes are deepset, round, amber in color and feline-like with what little hair they have dark and wispy. They hail from the starsystem, Pyxis, which was evacuated as a series of recurrent novas increased in strength until they threatened to annihilate its two habitable planets.

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  Quadrumvirate: An organization ruled by four rulers or groups.

  Quantum Paralysis Device (QPD): A device similar in function to a refrigerator which inhibits chemical reactions and therefore prevents food spoilage.

  Quantum Entanglement: Experiments indicate that when a photon is split contact is maintained between them due to the fact that if the spin of one changes the other portion instantaneously changes as well, indicating some form of communication exists between them. Thus, when a particle such as a photon, electron or even a molecule is "entangled" with another, any influence on one will affect the other instantaneously. This indicates communication between them that occurs faster than the speed of light which implies its timeless and could possibly be related to psi phenomena.

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  Radio Frequency (RF): Radio waves or how radios work.

  Rakii: Erubesite term for wife.

  Refraction: Changing the direction of a wavefront such as light by passing it through a different medium such as a crystal which changes its transmission velocity and direction.

  Regional Governor (RG): Top leader for a Cyrarian region which is part of a Territory.

  Regionists: Those who live in a specific region.

  Regions: Each Cyrarian Territory is divided into 24 regions, each with their own government.

  Relativity: Theory developed by Albert Einstein that states that time and space are not constant but can change when something is moving close to the speed of light.

  Replicon: A fictitious robot designed to look and act like a specific person, in other words a replica often used as instructors in the Miran Academies.

  Rhetoric: How an idea is expressed using a certain style so that it may sound better than it really is.

  Rollapeds: Caster-like wheels often used on 'troids and automatons.

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  S3: A network of satellites orbiting Cyraria used to gather information such as weather conditions but also used by some to spy on people’s activities.

  Sanicube: Bathroom or toilet facilities.

  Sapphirans: Sub-human race of humanoids with low intelligence. They believe that plants are better than animals and therefore only eat meat, including people, which makes them cannibals.

  Serendipity: Discovering something fortunate unexpectedly; a lucky break.

  Shravana: In Vedic tradition, a section of the sky known as a lunar mansion. Its message is to listen to the sounds of silence through self-discipline and pursuing the path of truth which allows a person to know whether or not something is real.

  Singularra: Miran term for being alone, a concept that does not have cultural approval. Someone who preferred to be alone was considered to be crazy, thus the word was often used in that way as well.

  Situational awareness: Paying attention to what is going on around you.

  SMC: See Surveillance and Monitoring Capability

  Smutch: Fictitious remnant of a blown-out star made of carbon with a diamond core that was eventually captured by another star system and thus considered a planet. In turn it captured one of the system's asteroids which was engineering to be habitable and often used by intragalactic smugglers and other criminals as a rendezvous site.

  Snurk: A stupid or foolish person.

  Snurkles: Expression of surprise or disbelief.

  Spatial Plane: A dimension that is defined by a flat surface such as a table.

Speed of Light: 186,000 miles per second or 1,000,000,000 meters per second. According to Einstein's relativity theory nothing other than light can travel at this speed.

  Spickle Tree: Cactus-like plant native to Cyraria that defends itself from predators by hurling spikes when disturbed.

  Stalagmite: A column coming up from ground level that results from water dripping through limestone such as in a cavern.

  Stalactite: A column coming down from the ceiling from water dripping through limestone such as in a cavern.

  Stalii: Grain-like seed that develops in the stalk which ruptures when the seeds are ripe. The stalks are somewhat larger than corn stalks on Earth and the seeds about the size of tennis balls.

  Stasis: Suspended animation or chemically induced sleep which slows down bodily processes enough that they can stay alive for long periods of time such as that required for space travel that takes longer than a person's lifetime.

  Stungun: Fictitious weapon used to stun people or prey using an electric charge.

  Subterre: An underground residence or office where the ground is the primary insulation from heat or cold as well as weather disturbances.

  Supply Depot (SD): Government run store where regionists can obtain the supplies they need to build homes or other projects.

  Surveillance and Monitoring Capability (SMC): Use of electronic devices to spy on a person as well as measure their reaction by their heartrate, breathing, etc.

  Sweeper: Hawk-like bird with a rotating tail that teases its prey prior to eating it in one bite.

  Synchronous Orbit: An orbit that is synchronized with the rotational rate of the central body. For example, geosynchronous communication satellites orbiting the Earth take 24 hours to complete one orbit, the same amount of time it takes for the Earth to make a single rotation, thus keeping them in the same location overhead.

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  Tachyonic Transmission: Fictitious means for sending a message faster than the speed of light.

  Telepathy: Method for communicating with another person through thought.

  Telerobic Surrogates: Robots that duplicate the motion of a human or programmed to perform tasks usually done by humans. Can be used remotely across vast distances for tasks such as surgery.

  Terra: Planet located in the Orion Bridge which connects the Perseus and Sagittarius arms of the Hostii (Milky Way) Galaxy. Known commonly as Earth.